Friday, 8 March 2013


A couple of posts ago I listed the shares I had shed, and then later, new ones I had bought when my confidence in the market recovered. Here is my current portfolio. It is still doing as well as before. An average rise of 2.2% per week would translate to over 100% per year.

The market will never let me make all of that because it will pull back at some point. But my reaction will be to look for early warning signs and take my profits and cut my losses so I keep as much of the profits in hand as possible. As I have said in an earlier post "it's all money" and needs to be garnered.

This year has been a dismal year for me. I lost my nerve in the spring as my profits faded and sat on a small loss all the year, I had to kick myself hard to get going again, I restarted in December buying both UK and US shares. By the beginning of January I was making good money, especially in the US. I switched all my investing to the US despite the fact that trading in the US from inside an ISA is costly. You are obliged to sell pounds each time you sell shares and repurchase dollars when you buy new shares. But the temptation to switch was too great. I was making about four times as much profit in the US as in the UK.

Bottom line is that since December i.e. in about three and a half months I have made my profit target for the year (my years run April to April). I am keeping my fingers crossed and hope that the remaining couple of weeks will let me keep what I have made and perhaps earn a little extra. I must remember never to be complacent.

Here is a list of my holdings with percent profits earned after purchasing costs. All of these have been picked using Vector Vest Unisearches chosen by means of rigorous back testing. (See earlier posts for more details.)

Remember that nothing I write should be construed as  is not an offer or invitation to buy or sell securities. It is a record of my own trading written as a diary of my own activities which I am prepared to share with others in case they find it entertaining..

1 comment:

Ian Taylor said...

You have selected an interesting bunch of U.S. stocks there (not too keen on MNST) and I hope you do well from them. You are brave to try to anticipate what the market is going to do next and I admire your attempt to do so. I wish you the best of luck for the coming financial year.
Regards. Ian Taylor.