Monday, 19 September 2011

Volume Spike

The chart of the DJI shows a number of volume spikes and each time there is a spike it is at or about the time of a major change in direction of price movement. This is what happened on Friday. I jumped on board shorts at UK and US opens despite the fact that by the time each market opened there had already been a big move. Nevertheless I am hoping that the fall will continue for at least a couple of days. We have also had a bounce down off the top of the channel so the hope is not unreasonable.
Elsewhere I was suckered into a silver rally that came to nothing and ended in a rout. Gold ditto. I am holding on gloomily.
The COW position looked bad at the outset but has recovered somewhat so I am holding on.
All in all a dismal day for me. I wonder if I should just give up chasing on the basis of hope in a market that is going nowhere. Pile up my money and wait for a market that has a clear direction one way or another. Lets just hope that the spike signal (which does not always work) will provide some profit.

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