I have not been out of the market for long. I cashed in my profits on September 9 and here I am, just 10 days later, climbing back on board.
My selection is different. The China market is not such an obvious good bet so my share picks are spread between China and other US stocks. This is partly because my favoured Vector Vest selection systems are throwing up some China shares. I have also repurchased some shares from my last batch that just look good. Here is the current list. VMIC IG SINO MOBI AMCF GILD LUV GBX SKX AVGO BIDU BITA XRS.
There is one share I must mention VMIC. If I had held that through the recent bad patch I would have tripled my, already substantial, profits on the share. A staggering 133% in total. Instead I let it go after I had banked 32% (and that was in 2 weeks). However there was no way of knowing that was going to happen. On the whole I made the right choice for without that share's move I would have lost half of my profits. I play this as a game of averages. Finding just the one big winner is playing the lottery and I try not to do that.
(Though my stake in GVC is just that. I played a lottery number and it has paid off. But shares that look like that are hard to find.)
The Scottish referendum has proved to be a one day wonder and I have a number of Scottish friends, who live in England, that have breathed a sigh of relief. The market has not really reacted at all. Yes it has shot up but it would probably have done that anyway.
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