Sunday 18 December 2011

Moment of truth

Where now?
We are mid channel. I am set up for a further dip in the market. Friday I increased my holding of shorts a little.

Unfortunately my data service does not provide volume data for the US indices till the following day so it was not till Saturday that I saw the massive spike in trading that occurred yesterday. As I have explained before a spike like this usually presages a change in price direction. What is not clear is whether this change in direction is a return to the top of the channel (short term) or the beginning of a collapse out of this period of horizontal movement that has lasted for four months now (long term).

Is this the moment we've been waiting for?
No strategy just vigilance and readiness to move fast.

I have increased my gold and silver stakes again. A spike in volume a couple of days ago was the motivation. So far so good.

Sorry about gap in service yesterday. With Christmas and the New Year coming up pressure of panic followed by pressure of hi jinks will mean service may be patchy. Merry Christmas to you all.

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